
Alibi (Black or White)

alibi (black or white) phd dissertation summary | full dissertation

Alibi (Black or White) PhD project dissertation is organized in four sections: Terminology and Hypothetic Aspects, Poetic Platform, Project Description and Conceptual and Thematic Explication.

Terminology and Hypothetic Aspects includes my authorial approach, directions for viewing the contents, and definitions of the key terms.
Poetic Platform presents my artistic and research interests, production methodology and approach to the digital paradigm, the initial context, hypotheses, concepts, themes and goals of the project.
Project Description is a comprehensive delineation of the project material, structure and methodology, working procedures, outcomes and the potentials for further development.
Conceptual and Thematic Explication is a theoretical review of the contextual, methodological and poetic aspects of the project such as the title, the study based project realization, the role of research in the artistic process, algorithm and generativity, media qualities of digital image and morphing, the portrait as a visual event, ideological implications of the portrait, ethics of contemporary art, its social status and relations with the global trends in economy, politics, science and technology. Each chapter in this section includes the concluding remarks induced by the artistic and theoretical work on the project.

Full dissertation is available as a PDF and in print at the Faculty of Fine Arts Library (Rajićeva 10, Belgrade), at the Faculty of Applied Arts Library (Kosančićev venac 29, Belgrade), and at Academy of the Arts Library (Đure Jakšića 7, Novi Sad).

English summary and contents overview PDF.

Part of the thesis is based upon the material from my forthcoming book Delta Version: Poetics of Digital Art.

Keywords: algorithm, analogue, animation, beauty, change, culture, cursor, digital, ethics, event, evolution, face, facialization, generative, image, information, morphing, portrait, reality, study, time, video, virtual, youth.